Where to admire the colors of the Caribbean Sea
Where to contemplate the fire red color of the sky at sunset while reflecting on the small bay
Much more than sea and beach, you can discover ecological and historical treasures
Much more than sea and beach, you can discover ecological and historical treasures
Bayahibe, old fishing village with a special charm
Bayahibe, old fishing village with a special charm
A magnificent beach of white sand of almost 2 kilometers of extension
A magnificent beach of white sand of almost 2 kilometers of extension



Dominican peso


GMT - 4 in winter, - 5 in summer


+ 1 809


1 January: New Year

6 January: Epiphany

21 January: Nuestra Señora de Altagracia

26 January: Juan Pablo Duarte Day

27 February: Independence Day

April: Good Friday

1 May: International Workers' Day

7 June: Corpus Cristi

16 August: Anniversary of the Restoration

24 September: Our Lady of Mercy

6 November: Constitution Day

25 December: Christmas

On the eastern edge of La Romana, overlooking the gorgeous beach, is the old fishing village of Bayahibe located in a small cove at the end of which there is a white sandy beach almost 2 kilometres long. Here divers can find a beautiful coral reef and an impressive marine backdrop with hundreds of fish in all shapes and colours.

Don't miss the spectacular show that is the invasion of multicoloured butterflies that can be seen sporadically at Bayahibe beach, an event that only a privileged few can catch a glimpse of.

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