Casa de Campo
Casa de Campo
Golf courses sculpted from coral reefs
Casa de Campo
Tropical paradise with a unique variety of facilities such as a large Marina, tennis courts, golf courses …
Stroll along cobbled streets and enjoy the splendor of ancient architecture
Stroll along cobbled streets and enjoy the splendor of ancient architecture
Altos de Chavon, An incomparable site, a replica of a sixteenth-century Mediterranean village
Altos de Chavon, An incomparable site, a replica of a sixteenth-century Mediterranean village
An architectural marvel of countless concerts since its opening in 1982 by Frank Sinatra
An architectural marvel of countless concerts since its opening in 1982 by Frank Sinatra



Dominican peso


GMT - 4 in winter, - 5 in summer


+ 1 809


1 January: New Year

6 January: Epiphany

21 January: Nuestra Señora de Altagracia

26 January: Juan Pablo Duarte Day

27 February: Independence Day

April: Good Friday

1 May: International Workers' Day

7 June: Corpus Cristi

16 August: Anniversary of the Restoration

24 September: Our Lady of Mercy

6 November: Constitution Day

25 December: Christmas

To speak of La Romana is to speak of Casa de Campo, seeing as it is the cornerstone of tourism in the Dominican Caribbean. Casa de Campo, almost 30 square kilometres, is a hotel and entertainment resort and one of the most luxurious and extensive of the area.

The vast property boasts three golf courses, a lovely marina, spa, heliport, luxury villas, private beaches, a polo field and many other activities to be discovered.

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